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Building Strong Brains Together: Understanding ACEs and Best Practices Conference in Memphis, TN


A multidisciplinary approach to understanding ACE and Best Practices.

Early childhood educators, program administrators, social workers, psychologists, infant mental health professionals, child and family advocates, students, and researchers will be able to explore the latest research around adverse childhood experiences and learn from one another.

Presentations on Saturday are specifically designed for early childhood educators who work with children daily in early childcare environments.

Whether you are a newcomer to the field or an experienced professional, this conference is a great opportunity to help advance our shared work on behalf of children during their most critical period of development and learning. Each presentation is specifically designed for early childhood educators and field workers that work with children daily in early childcare environments, child mental health, juvenile justice, public health, public policies and more. Focusing on how to mitigate adverse childhood experiences through recommended programs and practices. 

Keynote Speaker:

Eraina Schauss 
University of Memphis
Assistant Professor and Program Coordinator
Clinical Mental Health Counseling 

Friday Keynote:

"Adverse Childhood Experiences: What Science Tells Us and How to Foster Resilience"

Saturday Keynote:

"Adverse Childhood Experiences and Attachment: What's the Significance?"

Please see the brochure for more information.


Files (2)
Building Strong Brains Conference Brochure
Building Strong Brains Conference Interview

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