"Lumping both convicts and mentally ill together is exactly the kind of thing that spreads fear and stigmatization, say many in the local mental health community....
"In actuality, mental illness as a risk factor for violent crime is extremely low. “There is a slightly higher chance that a person with a severe mental illness will be more violent but it’s just like, half a percent or one percent more,” says Craig Metz....
"In fact, people with mental health challenges are more likely to be victims of a violent crime, or do harm to themselves, than to hurt others....
"After getting up and running in its current location, Second Story House has gone on to offer what many are calling the next wave of treatment for people with mental health challenges. It is called trauma-informed care, and it is the philosophy touted by the entirely peer-run MHCAN.
"Based on the paradigm-changing 1996 Adverse Childhood Experiences study, trauma-informed care is a response to findings that a majority of adults with mental health diagnoses suffered abuse, neglect or other forms of trauma in their childhoods—the effects of which can linger for decades. As a result, care and treatment should be informed by a person’s traumatic experiences....
"Primarily, trauma-informed care is about safety, she says...."
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