Left to right, around the room, California's Maternal Child Adolescent Health Directors ended their three-day meeting in Sacramento, CA, yesterday by listening to me tell them about how schools, pediatric clinics, public health clinics, police departments, cities, counties and states are integrating practices based on ACEs research.
The morning speaker for the directors' education day was Dr. Vincent Felitti, who gave a thorough overview of the CDC-Kaiser Adverse Childhood Experiences Study. (One of the attendees mentioned two things he said that really stuck with her: One, that the domestic violence that these directors see in their clinic may be symptoms, and not the problem. And, two, that resilience might not be the only answer.)
The early afternoon speaker was Dr. Matt Pantell. (You can see him -- he's the guy wearing the dark suit in the first and second photo.) I was the clean-up speaker. (Go Giants.)
ACEsConnection members Anna Sutton (Yolo County ACEs Connection) and Karen Clemmer (Sonoma County ACEs Connection) also spoke about their involvement in setting up ACEs initiatives and groups on ACEs Connection (they're in the top photo, furthest left table, Karen's hand is the highest, and Anna is to her left.)
I met many wonderful people here who are thinking about starting -- or joining -- initiatives in their own communities.
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