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Catherine Bonnet on French survey inspired by ACE Study

[Catherine Bonnet requested that I post the following, with the attached PowerPoint.]

In 2010 AIVI conducted a comparative survey in France to assess the effects of incest on health and daily life between 341 members of AIVI and 946 individuals from the general population. Unfortunately AIVI did not get funds for more than 12 comparative questions. However it was possible to add 12 more questions on health and the life, 12 other questions on the disclosure, all of these only for the survivors. Unfortunately it has not been possible to perform the ACE score on the survivors.

The individuals in the incest survivors sample filled out a self-reported questionnaire on a web site, while those from the control group were queried by phone. The choice of the questions was derived from the ACE Study questionnaire and the Trauma Screening Questionnaire of Brewin. I wrote the question about the fear to become a parent. We tried to screen addiction, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, somatic consequences, incest effect on parenthood. 

The purpose was to encourage the government to finance a centre of care for victims of incest: 2 million in France according another survey done by AIVI in 2009. The results can be read on the right bottom of the web site of AIVI in French under the title : Dossier de presse sondage AIVI par IPSOS. 

The results were launched in the French media in May 2010. The consequences on mental health were published in a French paper, la santé mentale  in March 2011 to encourage psychiatrists to detect incest, and the French parliament to enact mandatory reporting with full immunity guaranteed if the report is done in good faith.

The translation of the results in English is in this PowerPoint that you can download -- AIVIFrenchSurvey.ppt

We responded to an article -- Strategies to prevent suicide -- published in the BMJ 6 July 2010 after two colleagues calculated that 3 over the 12 comparative questions were very frequent. We wanted to encourage physicians to ask about a history of incest when their patients have said suicidal ideations and impulses.

The president of AIVI and myself, we are very aware of the limitations of the methodology. We have made the decision to stop publishing about this survey and keep lobbying to implement the ACEs in France. The only problem is political!

David Chadwick may find a wonderful proverb to explain the discrepancy between our professional wishes in France and the reality!



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