Dear ACES Connection members:
Time to alert you to yet another groundbreaking conference - this time a national forum on trauma-informed schools. In March of this year, Echo Parenting & Education gathered together the Titans of Trauma, including Dr. Bessel van der Kolk. On March 16 &17 of 2016, we will be deepening our knowledge of childhood trauma, building resilience through body-based therapies (such as dance, yoga, theatre, art), collecting stories and best practices from around the country as we listen to pioneers in the field of trauma-informed schools, and holding space for the voices of parents and youth, who after all are the front line when it comes to childhood trauma and how to prevent it.
Do you have a workshop to share? Do you want to convene a Learning Circle around a particular topic? (We have a few in mind - Parent Engagement, the Paradigm Shift, District-Level Change...) Dreamed of putting together a panel of like-minded experts? Or would you like to host a booth and tell conference goers about your work?
Please find attached the conference workshop and booth applications. We have an 18-member strong Advisory Committee comprising luminaries in the field from across the nation who will be helping us make the final cut. And if you prefer just to come and soak in all the knowledge, or cry and laugh with those who labor beside you in this work, or you're just plain curious, make plans to come to the conference. We will be putting up the registration link and releasing details of discounted conference hotels soon.
The Echo Team
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