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Chat Today: Neurofeedback for ACEs: Sebern Fisher - 10 a.m. PST / 1 p.m. EST 


Topics we'll cover:

  • Introduction to neurofeedback.
  • What brain plasticity means for people without a Ph.D.
  • Why neurofeedback helps brains that developed during ACEs.

How to Attend
Online Chats:

More about Sebern F. Fisher, MA

"I have learned what I have shared here from my work with my patients, walks with neurofeedback colleagues, and training my own brain." Sebern Fisher

Sebern Fisher is a psychotherapist and neurofeedback practitioner in private practice who specializes in attachment issues. She trains professionals nationally and internationally on neurofeedback, neurofeedback and attachment disorder, and the integration of neurofeedback with psychotherapy. Sebern discovered neurofeedback for her own brain in the spring of 1996. Her book, Neurofeedback in the Treatment of Developmental Trauma: Calming the fear-driven Brain is a direct result of this work.

She is recipient of the 2017 recipient of the  International Society for Neurofeedback (ISNR) and Research (ISNR) M. B. Sterman Award for Career Achievement in the field of Neurofeedback and the 2013 recipient of ISNR's  Joel Lubar Award for contribution to the field of neurofeedback.

Sebern Fisher Quotes (including one that mentions ACEs) 

"At least in those with developmental trauma histories, I think it is safe to say that all morbidity and comorbitiy are expressions of early, prolonged brain dysregulation. These individuals often experience problems with appetite, eating, and body image, and if those symptoms grab the attention of the clinician, these patients will be given a preemptive diagnosis of eating disorder. Body sensations and representations are located primarily in the RH, and the press of fear and shame is ubiquitous in those with eating disorders. Eating disorders correlate with high ACE scores, which of course correlate with histories of developmental trauma. Eating disorders represent an intense effort at self-regulation in persistent states of heightened arousal." Sebern Fisher

"In the course of my work with neurofeedback, I have seen changes in eyesight, hearing, smell, taste, thyroid functional, stability of blood sugar, constipation, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), blood pressure, motion sickness, migraine, neuropathy and other chronic pain problems and skin rashes, among other physical, complains, while training the brain to quiet anxiety or depression." Sebern Fisher


About the 2017 Parenting with ACEs Chat Series

One goal of this chat series is to break down the us/them walls and to connect more person to person as people who care about ACEs. We have moved from the Parenting with ACEs Community to the home page for our last three chats so that even more of us can gather together.

Chats are a place and space for conversation among peers who all share the expertise of varied experiences. We welcome parents, professionals, trauma survivors, alternative treatment providers. Everyone is welcome. One need not be Parenting with ACEs to attend. All perspectives are valued.

ACEs are about all of us. Our emotional, social and financial health is shaped by the presence or absence of ACEs and the presence or absence of supports. That's true for all of us. Let's chat together about making personal, family and social change. 

Upcoming Chats:

Previous Chats in the Parenting with ACEs Chat Series: (Chat transcripts all archived online in the Parenting with ACEs Community)

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