Learn! Connect! Discover! Friends, it's time for a good ol’ resource share out. There are so many excellent opportunities coming up in the next few months, from PACEs Connection and beyond, both no-cost and paid. I know we are tired…but these are too good not to check out! I invite you to add things I have missed in the comment section.
PACEs Connection Virtual Trauma-Informed Schools Summer Leadership Institute June 21-24
Join us for the PACEs Connection virtual Trauma-Informed School Leadership Institute. This institute is specifically tailored for school leaders and leadership teams who want to understand the HOW of trauma-informed schools.
Trauma-Informed Educators Network Conference, in person and virtual options, June 15-16
#DisruptersUnite to ensure we collectively support the paradigm shifts needed in education to ensure ALL students experience safe, stable, nurturing, and supportive school experiences. You can join over 300 fellow educators and practitioners as we collaborate, connect, and learn together at the Trauma Informed Educators Network Conference!
School Crisis Recovery and Renewal Spring Network of Practice May 12, 11-1:30 Pacific Time
On May 12, 2022, we gather for a festival of presentations, shares, growing practices, reflections, and teach-ins from SCRR program participants, faculty, and presenters, and more.
We come together at the end of our 2nd year as a project to offer what school crisis recovery & renewal has meant, can mean, and where we are taking the work.
Join us for a rich day of learning about how to move what matters and making what matters move towards recovery and renewal.
NTTAC System of Care Summit May 11, 8:30-2 Pacific Time
The System of Care Strategy Summit is an opportunity for all children’s mental health partners to come together to renew and re-energize their efforts to support children and young people with behavioral health needs, as well as their caregivers.
MHTTC Event: Trauma-Responsive and Resilience Building Practices for Early Childhood Educators (ECE), Leaders, Organizations and Systems: A Three-Part Program
Institute participants will learn about:
- State-dependent functioning and the four pathways to regulation
- The foundations of trauma-responsive and resilience building leadership (interpersonal and structural)
- Characteristics of stress and trauma-inducing environments, trauma-responsive environments and healing-centered environments in early childhood
- The importance of culturally responsive self-care and organizational care routines
Standing Resources
Classroom WISE
Well-Being Information and Strategies for Educators
Classroom WISE is a FREE 3-part training package that assists K-12 educators in supporting the mental health of students in the classroom. Developed by the Mental Health Technology Transfer Center (MHTTC) Network in partnership with the National Center for School Mental Health, this package offers evidence-based strategies and skills to engage and support students experiencing adversity and distress.
In addition to a free online course on mental health literacy for educators and school personnel, a video library and resource collection are also available!
Fostering Grief Ready Workplaces: A Starter Kit for Mental Health and School Mental Health Leadership
The Fostering Grief Ready Workplaces - A Starter Kit for Mental Health and School Mental Health Leadership aims to provide essential ingredients to guide you and your organization through the basics of supporting a grieving workforce.
HELPme creates linkages to support and resources for those in need through an anonymous, healing-centered interface.
- Direct connection to local (community and school-based) assistance
- Pre-loaded local, state, and national resources & helplines
- Building NeuroResilienceTM curriculum & training
- E-Therapy Assessments & Treatment
NTTAC Journey Map
The NTTAC Acronym Journey Map is a visual teaching tool with accompanying dialogue prompts for use by coaches in their work with school and education leadership teams. It is intended to help school communities visualize the similarities, differences, and desired outcomes of common campus support initiatives. When combined with the dialogue prompts, coaches can help school communities detail what is needed to actualize, implement, and properly message common student support initiatives.
Podcast: The CARMA Chronicles
Creating Healing Centered Spaces in Schools and Community w/Cynthia Nambo
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