Dr. Damon Francis doesn’t shy away from sparring with a room full of journalists when he thinks the media is getting the story all wrong.
Delivering the keynote to nearly two dozen reporters at the 2019 California Fellowship, Francis took the profession to task for perpetuating damaging myths about homelessness while overlooking root causes and the historical context that explain today’s crisis.
Francis is an assistant clinical professor at UC San Franciso and serves as the chief clinical officer for Health Leads, an organization that helped pioneer the practice of addressing the social needs underlying many health problems — lack of housing, food insecurity, domestic violence, for example — through health care. Previously, he served as director of Health Care for the Homeless, an Alameda County program that coordinates health care and social services for unhoused residents.
[For more on this story by Ryan White, go to https://www.centerforhealthjou...-deeper-homelessness]
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