"The West Virginia Healthy Kids and Families Coalition has created a list of the top ten issues that affect children living in poverty in the state. The first five of those issues were: healthcare for working families, family violence, child care costs, healthy lifestyles and prison reform....
"The numbers speak for themselves.
"On average, two domestic homicides occur monthly in West Virginia, a statistic that has not changed over the last three decades....
"According to the West Virginia Coalition Against Domestic Violence, in 2010 14,880 domestic violence cases were filed in West Virginia Family Court, a third of homicides in West Virginia are related to domestic violence and over two thirds of the of women murdered in West Virginia are killed by a family or household member.
“We are asking people to write letters, to call the Governor’s office,” she said. “Ask him not to cut the domestic violence line item. I mean, look how much money our government spends overseas. Our own people shouldn’t have to live like this.”
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