"To watch the full debate on child sex abuse on the internet with Michael Moran, Head of INTERPOL’s Crimes Against Children Unit and Peter Saunders from National Association for People Abused in Childhood (NAPAC), please click on the video link."
--It was said children do not disclose. (6:30 min in)
--The question was asked how long does it take for a victim to speak out. The answer was 22 years. That was the time span of last occurrence to disclosure. (6:55 min in)
--A series of pictures is the norm, not just one. (10 min in)
--A social problem, a pandemic. (11:30 min in)
--Grooming includes 4 T's: [Trust], Treating, Threat, Teaching, (13:30 min in)
--Male victims, mothers as perpetrators (21 min in)
--From fantasy to actual abuse occurs in 33% (21:50 min in)
--In Europe, London police leading the way on tackling this issue (24 min in)
--International law (26:40 min in)
--Pointers for parents, crime is happening to younger and younger kids (infants-4/5yo's); becomes problem as soon as they get online (27:35 min in)
See also:
My Body Belongs To Me (4 min)
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