"Intimate partner violence (IPV), also called domestic violence, is a common problem that affects children in substantial ways.1- 3 Children who experience violence between their parents feel frightened and terrorized not just during the yelling, slapping, hitting, punching, pushing, and maiming, but at other times as well when the children worry that the violence will begin again or that they are responsible for the violence occurring. It is no wonder that such children might feel anxious, sad, depressed, or angry; they might act out, have difficulty concentrating, or not go to school and instead stay home in a wish to protect a parent. In addition, when violence occurs between parents, children may be hurt in the fighting and are at an increased risk of being maltreated themselvesβeither physically or sexually abused.1,4"
Asnes AG, Leventhal JM. Children's Experiences of IPV: Time for Pediatricians to Take Action. JAMA Pediatr. 2013;():1-2. doi:10.1001/jamapediatrics.2013.783.
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