Remember the Golden Rule? Something about treating others the way you would want to be treated.
Turns out there is a growing wealth of scientific data proving what we’ve thought to be true all this time: If you treat yourself and others badly, harm comes from it. All types of abuse lead to lower self esteem, and even health problems.
But there’s a movement afoot to heal existing wounds and prevent them in the future. A local group, the Children’s Resilience Initiative, has been working to create and implement strategies for healing and preventing adverse childhood experiences, known as ACEs.
The foundation of this strategy is to focus on resilience. A child may not be able to prevent or escape a neglectful or abusive situation, but with the assistance of informed adults they can become more resilient.
One of the organizers of the local push is Teri Barila, who along with Mark Brown put together activities and workshops, and helped gather community partners to form a type of gatekeeper program.
[For more of this story, written by Karlene Ponti, go to]
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