J.D. emerged from his parent's divorce in 2013 a different kid. He'd always been serious, but now he was moody and falling behind in school.
"His English teacher described him as a dark cloud of doom," said his mom, Marty Hoffmeister, who asked to be identified by her maiden name to protect her son.
Hoffmeister watched as J.D. suffered through adolescent angst: demanding classes, confusing interactions with girls and a mom who just wanted to know what was wrong. She reached out to the family doctor but was hesitant to put him on anything more than light antidepressants.
"I didn't know how much of (his behavior) was hormones or how much of it was him not eating what he should," Hoffmeister said. "It's really tough for parents to sort out what could be going on in their kid's life."
[For more of this story, written by Kelsey Dallas, go to http://newsok.com/article/5444297]
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