Yesterday, Guy McPherson of the Trauma-Therapist Podcast shared the interview we did a few months ago. It was just after my last round of chemo and though I was tired and pale and my wig kept slipping - and also - I was super excited to be on one of my favorite podcasts and engaged in conversation. Here's an excerpt and the link to the video and audio. I appreciate how often Guy McPherson shares the perspective of trauma survivors with his podcast audience.
Today on the podcast, one of my favorite interviewees. Why? Because this woman exudes passion and purpose for those who’ve been impacted by trauma.
Cissy White is a trauma-mama writer and joy-stalking survivor. She believes it’s possible – but difficult – to live, love, and parent well while post-traumatically stressed. Her goal is to make talk about trauma and healing less clinical and more conversational, less abstract and more accessible.
Here's the link to the Trauma Therapist Podcast site where the audio and video can be accessed.
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