“Imagine my shock and alarm to see that toy prison play-sets are being sold and were SOLD OUT during the holidays!” wrote Susan Burton in an email she sent to friends and colleagues on Thursday....
“Lessons learned from the 1971 Stanford Prison Experiment that traumatized its student participants still do not resonate with a public that seeks to incarcerate rather than rehabilitate,” she wrote, referring to the famous 1971 psychological experiment at Stanford University in which some students played “prisoners” and others “guards.” The experiment, which was to have lasted for two weeks, had to be shut down prematurely after six days when the “guards” began behaving sadistically and the “prisoners” showed signs of depression and extreme stress....
In case you’ve missed this charming bit of news, all the main characters from Quentin Tarantino’s film— prominently including the slave and slaveowner characters played by Kerry Washington and Leonardo DiCaprio—have been faithfully reproduced in high quality plastic, for ages 15 and up...."
via WitnessLA.
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