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Community Power: Increasing Understanding of Base-Building Methods 2019: Call for Proposals []


By Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, August 20, 2019

This CFP will support research projects to build an understanding of the range of methods applied in innovative and effective community base-building that result in changes to community-level social, economic, and physical conditions that we know influence health and equity. We are seeking to fund research projects designed to retrospectively examine various methods resulting in innovative and effective community base-building. Base-building is a set of strategies and activities used by residents, workers, consumers, and other constituencies to build collective strength and power to address a variety of inequitable conditions in communities. Base-building has been utilized for generations by grassroots-led organizations and institutions to build power specifically in historically excluded or underrepresented populations.

We are seeking research proposals whose project teams will participate alongside other field and research experts in the RWJF Lead Local program, which is exploring the question: How does community power catalyze, create and sustain conditions for healthy communities? We are aware that community base-building methods vary across geographic areas and across racial, ethnic, and other demographic groups. We seek to understand community-identified innovations that lead to meaningful and effective community base-building. The proposed research projects are not intended to build understanding of methodologies applied to other critical approaches to achieve systems change, including policy advocacy, coalition-building, communications, or organizational development.

[Please click here to read more.]

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