"Ford and colleagues emphasize that although complex trauma is associated with aggression, such behavior is typically reactive—that is, centered on coping or protection of self or others—to extremely stressful and threatening environments of chronic abuse and violence. They point out that some physical and relational (verbal or unspoken threats) aggression may be proactive attempts by youth to cope or protect oneself rather than a sign of emotional callousness, as others often perceive.
"An estimated 90 percent of youth in residential juvenile justice facilities report experiencing at least one trauma. According to the authors, professionals who work with detained or incarcerated youth should recognize that these individuals often have difficulties coping with stress, feelings of threat, impaired attention and impulse control, maladaptive ways of thinking (e.g., assuming aggression is the best way to deal with situations), and peers who encourage and reward problem behaviors....
"Ford and colleagues have developed an individual therapy focused on improving emotional regulation skills and support for delinquent youth called Trauma Affect Regulation: Guide for Education and Therapy (TARGET). This therapy has shown promise at reducing PTSD and anxiety symptoms, thoughts related to trauma, and problems controlling emotions...."
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