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Contacts for landmark lawsuit to make trauma-informed practices mandatory in schools


This website has the complaint and, at the top, it lists the lawyers involved and their phone numbers and email addresses.


I emailed them an encouraging statement and availability to help if needed.


And here's the story about the lawsuit --

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I will have to put together some good AAP resources also and send those along. 


I was wondering if we could find out when certain important events were occurring in this legal process, if we could have a "Twitter Blast" to the important folks involved.  Just a thought.  It could be like what was done with Lincoln Schools.   


Here is a link to what they did:



Tina we currently have a graduate course that we teach for educators. It is focused on teachers not school based mental health providers. It can also be used for CE credit.


It has the same title as our book Supporting and Educating Traumatized Students. 

Since the lawsuit has as a major point that educational staff should be trained in trauma informed practices I am going to send them a syllabus and see if they can use it to train their educators



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