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Coping with current events and the great mask debate

Good morning everyone.  I am a retired therapist, a trauma specialist. My specialty is PTSD, dissociation, and all areas that are trauma related such as Eating Disorders and Addictions. 

The virus, news and protests have triggered many people with PTSD and Complex PTSD. The great mask debate has also been a trigger.

A huge step in healing and self empowerment is to use your voice.  Use it with love and compassion but use it. It takes enormous courage to continue to heal yourself and shine your Light into the world. Every survivor has a story which may help encourage someone else. 

A word about masks and other face coverings.

PTSD is considered a health issue.  One does not have to have PTSD to the point where it is considered a recognized disability to be exempt from wearing a mask. The Universal mask law or ordinance includes a health exemption.  Some physical issues such as asthma can cause a person not to be able to wear a mask or other face covering. PTSD, autism with its sensory issues and other health issues can also prevent one from wearing a mask.

Someone who was abused or raped with their face covered may have panic attacks, flashbacks and/or intrusive thoughts even when seeing others wearing a mask. Someone who was held at gunpoint by a masked person may also be triggered.

This is not a political, moral or dislike of masks issue. It is a legitimate problem which is why there is a health exemption.  It is not required to produce documentation such as a doctor's note or explain what the issue is.  All that needs to be said is that you have a health issue that prevents you from wearing a mask.

People who take advantage of this exemption hurt those who have an actual problem. By all means practice social distancing, wash your hands and keep your immune system strong.  Fear weakens the immune system. If you are unable to wear a mask, you do not have to apologize or feel guilty. There are many ways to keep yourself and others safe. 

Fear of other's opinions, fear of getting sick, fear of threatened or actual violence can all be triggers to PTSD and Complex PTSD. Many people are suffering silently in today's climate of violence and illness. 

The way out of the cycle of reliving and avoidance that is the hallmark of PTSD is to take your power back. Speak up in a healthy way, advocate for yourself and others. Remember that other people's actions are about them and the story in their head, not about you.

The climate of fear and anger in the world today can be very triggering. Anger is never about anger. There is always something under it, usually fear or feeling helpless.  Educating yourself with reliable facts instead of through Social Media and alternate "news" can be a way of self empowering.  Knowledge is power and having facts and a plan can help with anxiety. 

It can be very difficult sometimes to face your own fears and thoughts and belief systems. However, beliefs are simply thoughts you practice over and over until they continue. "What fires together wires together" means that the more you practice a thought, the more the neurons in your brain will fire together.  This makes it easier to have the same pattern the next time you think that thought. 

Examining your thinking can help you to practice new positive and empowering thoughts which will then cause new neural connections in the brain to form. Then it becomes easier to be positive the next time. 

Hope is just as contagious as fear. No one can put thoughts in your head or force you to act or react in a certain way. It is your choice. That is good news because only you have the freedom to take your power back and change your thoughts and actions/reactions. 

A daily commitment to and practice of relaxing, deep breathing, meditation, and changing thinking will help the body and mind to stay calmer. Thus, it is easier to cope with day to day occurrences. 

Please seek support, do not suffer in silence. 

I wish everyone well. 






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