The Journal of the American Medical Association has reported that the national economic burden of ACE-related adult health conditions was $14.1 trillion annually ($183 billion in direct medical spending and $13.9 trillion in lost healthy life-years), or $88, 000 per affected adult annually and $2.4 million over their lifetimes.
The most important and least discussed takeaway from The ACE Study is that many aces could be prevented with an entirely new kind of parenting education that reaches everyone, everywhere.
Visit We are pioneering a low tech yet very effective variation on this new type of parenting education. It’s free. It’s effortless…and everyone gets to participate!
Consider supporting Advancing Parenting. We have requests for thousands of sets of our parenting tips bumper stickers and no funds to print and ship them. The requests come from all over the U.S., Canada, and Australia…from schools, child abuse prevention councils, family resource centers, children’s advocacy groups, United Ways, CASAs and GALs, and pediatricians. They would like to put the stickers in holders and place them on counters so folks can choose one for their cars. They would also like to give them away at meetings and events and put them on fleet vehicles.
Traditional funders won’t support Advancing Parenting because this kind of messaging can’t be easily measured and evaluated. Local groups won't support Advancing Parenting because their money won’t stay in Ventura County. Last, Advancing Parenting is just a one man operation…no office and no employees.
Not being able to print and ship these parenting tips bumper stickers would be a colossal lost opportunity to promote positive childhood experiences and prevent adverse childhood experiences.
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