At the end of a much anticipated minimum day, teachers and administrators from Thomas Page Academy (K-8) in Cotati, CA, rallied their energy and enthusiasm to learn more about how ACEs science impacts their Title I school students. The theme of the presentation was on building resilience.
We discussed the science of ACEs and strategies that school staff can use to model mindfulness, and reduce the risk of teacher burnout.
Teachers were particularly ready to learn more after reading an article in the National Association of Educators (NEA) on Trauma:
Thomas Page Academy is located in the rolling hills of Cotati, in the midst of a rural setting of small farms. The grounds are filled with lush greenery. The campus is removed from the activity of the downtown area and accordingly, there is very little crime on the campus. The school was built in 1969 and named after Dr. Thomas Stokes Page. Dr. Page settled in Cotati in the 1840’s to serve the District Of Sonoma as sheriff.
Sonoma County families are fortunate that this school — surrounded by cows, goats, donkeys and a wide variety of fruit trees — is available to serve some of the highest need students. As a Title I school, there is a strong emphasis on supporting students and their families.
To learn more about Thomas Page Academy go to:
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