People who experienced early trauma show common patterns in the way they form attachments. Among all the the long-term outcomes associated with ACEs, the damage to the way we seek and form romantic relationships can be one the most devastating, yet one of the least discussed.
As a survivor, I had to learn a systematic way to change this, and after years of informally teaching hundreds of peers to heal the pattern and use a structured approach to dating , I've just put it all into an online course: Dating and Relationships for People with Childhood PTSD. It's for people who want to change their pattern and and develop a stable, loving, committed relationship instead. The course has more than three hours of video, a 32-page workbook, and the opportunity to join free webinars and mini-courses to support the ongoing work of changing.
Below you'll find an excerpt from the course -- it's half of a longer video that's all about just one of the self-defeating behaviors common to those of us with CPTSD -- the attraction to unavailable people -- and how to stop dating them. I'll release part two in a few days (and don't worry -- the question at the end of this video will be answered in the second video excerpt!).
The video will give you a feel for the the content, and and if it speaks to you, click here to get full information, registration and instant access to the course.
If you think you have Childhood PTSD, and you want to better understand what's happening in your brain and start learn strategies to feel better (and function better) right away, you can access my first course, Healing Childhood PTSD here. The two courses go nicely together (though they can be taken individually). But if you take both, this Healing course would be the best place to start.
For more articles, stories and free tools for healing, check out the Crappy Childhood Fairy blog.
Finally, if you like learning through videos, be sure to subscribe to my YouTube Channel!
See you in a few days with Part 2. Have a great weekend!
Anna (the Fairy)
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