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"Cracked Up" interview with Darrell Hammond and Michelle Esrick on CNN


The film "Cracked Up," produced and directed by Michelle Esrick, documents the pain and agony behind the jokes and smiles. Darrell Hammond, the comedian made famous by his Bill Clinton impersonation, talks to CNN's John Vause about years of self harm, drug and alcohol abuse and the memories of child trauma which were repressed for decades.

Here are articles about the documentary:

A private screening of a work-in-progress unveils the personal struggles of SNL veteran and comedian Darrell Hammond [ACEsConnection]

Former SNL cast member Darrell Hammond talks childhood trauma on the Hill []

Cracked Up []

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John Vause should take the lead on this kind of interview, I have rarely seen it done better. And Darell Hammond has said in this short video two things that, as a psychologist who works with childhood trauma, hit the center of the target. 1. "There is no thought that is more nuclear in a child's mind than "my parent doesn't love me." And 2. Children from healthy homes don't make up stories that would put their parents in jail." What he says about the "perpetrator contract" was also riveting and true...." I won't kill ya, but I could....and I will....if you tell....." This is the silent contract between any perpetrator and their victim held to secrecy.....even if killing isn't implicit in the contract, danger is.So children are locked in another person' s dark side and they carry the pain of this into adulthood. Well done MIchelle Esrick and Darell Hammond.

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