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Criminal justice

[Last updated: May 2015]

The resources below provide information for people working in the criminal justice system who want to integrate ACE concepts and trauma-informed practices into law enforcement, juvenile justice, courts and prisons.

We strive for these resources to be the most useful for the ACEs Connection community. If you have resources that you'd like to add, please send a message to Jane Stevens, ACEsConnection manager.

This isn't complete; it's just a start. We are looking for the best resources that will assist criminal justice professionals to integrate trauma-informed practices into their systems, centers, and agencies.


Sections Index (scroll down to access):

  1. Community Reentry Resources
  2. Court Resources
  3. Criminal Justice Videos
  4. Gender Specific Criminal Justice Resources
  5. Jail & Prison Resources
  6. Juvenile Justice Resources
  7. Law Enforcement & Corrections Resources
  8. Mental Health in Criminal Justice Resources



1. Community Reentry Resources


Addressing Trauma Among Incarcerated People

Source: Corrections & Mental Health

Description: A guide to treating trauma in prisoners reentering the community.



Guidelines for the Successful Transition of People with Behavioral Health Disorders from Jail and Prison

Source: Gains Center, SAMHSA

Description: These guidelines promote the behavioral health and criminal justice partnerships that are necessary to develop successful approaches to identify which persons need services, what services they need, and how to match these needs upon transition to community-based treatment and supervision.


Guidelines -

Summary of Guidelines -


Trauma-Informed Care and Reentry

Source: Maryland Additions Directors Council

Description: A PowerPoint that explains how trauma-informed care can be used to facilitate successful reentry. (Make sure to read slide notes for additional information.)




2. Court Resources


7 Common Characteristics of Juvenile Mental Health Courts

Source: Gains Center, SAMHSA

Description: Identifies seven common characteristics of Juvenile Mental Health Courts (JMHCs) as part of a National Institute of Justice – funded study, Assessing the Effectiveness of Juvenile Mental Health Courts as a Community Justice Strategy. These common characteristics are based on a national survey, stakeholder interviews, participant focus groups, parent/guardian focus groups, stakeholder focus groups, observations of status hearings, and extensive interviews with current participants and their guardians. These seven characteristics are applicable to any jurisdiction, regardless of size and available treatment services.



Adult Mental Health Treatment Court Database

Source: SAMHAS's Gains Center

Description: A comprehensive database to identify the existing mental health courts in the United States. As a living document, the information included in the database will be updated as needed. It includes: the location of each mental health court, the year established, target participants (e.g. felony, misdemeanor, violent/non), approximate annual enrollments (or total enrollments), and necessary contact information. This database was completed in December 2012, and is updated. Click on a state in a map of the U.S., and a list of all courts will appear, alphabetized by county. 



Advancing Trauma-Informed Systems Change in a Family Drug Treatment Court Context

Source: Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions

Description: Journal article.



An Explanation of Trauma-Informed Care in Juvenile Justice/Courts

Source: Safe Start Center

Description: Gives basic information and resources about what is trauma-informed care and why it is necessary for courts working with children.



Helping a Child be a Witness in Court: 101 Things to Know, Say and Do

Source: Centre for Children and Families in the Justice System

Description: Free e-book; trauma-informed. Available in both English and French. By Cunningham & Stevens. (2011).



Helping Traumatized Children: Tips for Judges

Source: The National Child Traumatic Stress Network

Description: Guildes judges in identifying trauma and appropriately addressing trauma.



Integrating Trauma-Informed, Solution-Focused Strategies in Family Court

Source: New York State Unified Court System

Description: In 2010, through a federal grant awarded to New York State, Chautauqua County was chosen as one of 22 counties to participate in an Enhanced Court Practices Project to establish best practices and systemic protocols in child welfare cases in family court. This site provide participants info, history, some materials and the training schedule through the end of 2012.



Judges and Child Trauma: Findings from the National Child Traumatic Stress Network/National Council of Juvenile & Family Court Judges Focus Groups 

Source: The National Child Traumatic Stress Network

Description: This Brief reports the results of focus groups conducted  with members of the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges  (NCJFCJ). The Network conducted the focus groups in order to understand how  knowledgeable juvenile and family court judges are about child trauma and to identify ways to work with NCJFCJ to promote education on the issue.



NCTSN Bench Card for the Trauma-Informed Judge

Source: The National Child Traumatic Stress Network

Description: The bench card provides judges with useful questions and guidelines to help them make decisions based on the emerging scientific findings in the traumatic stress field. 



Notes from the Field: Judge Christine Carpenter on Trauma-Informed Courts

Source: Gains Center, SAMHSA

Description: An interview with Judge Christine Carpenter, Circuit Judge of Division One in the 13th Judicial Circuit, Columbia, MO about what it’s like presiding over a trauma-informed court. (Nov. 2013).



Representing Domestic Violence Survivors Who Are Experiencing Trauma and Other Mental Health Challenges: A Handbook for Attorneys

Source: National Center on Domestic Violence

Description: The Attorney’s Handbook provides guidance to attorneys who are representing survivors of domestic violence who are experiencing trauma symptoms and/or mental health challenges.

Link: http://www.nationalcenterdvtra...andbookMay282012.pdf


Ten Things Every Juvenile Court Judge Should Know About Trauma and Delinquency

Source: The National Child Traumatic Stress Network, OJJDP, and NCJFCJ

Description: A technical assistance bulletin to help judges better understand the links between delinquency and truama. This is useful for judges who have had no exposure to trauma-informed practices or the effects of trauma on youth. 



Through the Eyes of the Child Initiative

Description: A Nebraska Supreme Court Initiative that asks judges to take an active leadership role in improving the court process in child protection cases. Their website has many trauma-informed documents in addition to news, data, case law, training and other resources. 



Tips for Clinicians - Testifying in Court about Trauma: How to Prepare

Source: The National Child Traumatic Stress Network

Description: Offers guidance to clinicians called upon to testify as an expert witness for a client’s court case. From understanding a subpoena, confidentially, and the therapist-client privilege to preparing yourself, your client, and his/her caregivers for your court appearance, this fact sheet lays out ethical considerations, describes how to navigate conversations with your consumers, and gives you self-care tips to use for a court appearance.



Victimization and Trauma Experienced by Children and Youth: Implications for Legal Advocates

Source: Safe Start Center

Description: Explains guidelines for creating a trauma-informed legal practice that works with children. Good overview of evidence-based trauma screening tools, information about several court jurisdictions and child welfare/juvenile justice programs using evidence-supported and promising practices for screening, assessment, and treatment. 



Working with Court‐Involved Military Families: The Effects of PTSD and Substance Abuse

Source: Children and Family Futures

Description: Power Point slides.



3. Criminal Justice Videos


Dr. Gary Slutkin: Disrupting Violence Source:

Source: PopTech Chicago Salon

Description: In this 20 minute video Dr. Gary Slutkin speaks about applying his work fighting infectious diseases to fighting violence in Chicago.



The Interrupters

Source: PBS

Description: The story of three “violence interrupters” trying to reduce violence in Chicago.



Positive Youth Justice Initiative Learning Community with Dr. Monique Marrow, May 8, 2014

Source: Positive Youth Justice Initiative

Description: Video of a talk given by Dr. Marrow about trauma and trauma-informed care for juvenile affected by crime or involved in the juvenile justice system.



4. Gender Specific Criminal Justice Resources


Creating a Place of Healing and Forgiveness: The Trauma-Informed Care Initiative at the Women's Community Correctional Center of Hawaii

Source: National Center for Trauma-Informed Care

Description: The Trauma-Informed Care Initiative (TICI) is a unique collaboration among the facility administration, staff, and inmates; community non-profits; state and federal agencies; educators and researchers; and volunteers from churches and civic groups. Reducing the use of restraints and isolation has been a focus of the training and activities of TICI, since these interventions are likely to re-traumatize women who are trauma survivors and cause trauma responses in women who had not previously experienced trauma.



Creating a Trauma-Informed Criminal Justice System for Women: Why and How

Source: SAMHSA

Description: A guide to creating a trauma-informed criminal justice system that meets the needs of traumatized women.



Female Offender Intervention & Diversion Programs

Source: Inside Corrections

Description: On pg. 17 of this publication, gender responsive treatment services & trauma intervention programs of Oklahoma & Tulsa Counties are discussed.



Implementing Therapeutic Communities in Women’s Prisons

Source: Federal Probation (Journal)

Description: This article outlines and evaluates one therapeutic community (TC) treatment program in a women’s correctional environment.



National Institute of Correction’s Resources on Women Offenders

Source: NICIC

Description: Provides resources on a variety of topics including substance abuse, behavioral health, and trauma.



Responding to the Needs of Women Veterans Involved in the Criminal Justice System

Source: National Resource Center on Justice Involved Women

Description: This brief provides criminal justice practitioners with information about the unique needs of female veterans and what is known about their involvement in the criminal justice system. It offers a gender and trauma informed approach that criminal justice practitioners can use to more effectively manage this population.



Statistics on Women Offenders

Source: From, Feb. 2013. 

Description: Basic data (population, demographics), plus mental, physical health and some ACEs histories.



Understanding Trauma through a Gender Lens

Source: NCCD Center for Girls and Young Women

Description: A basic document about trauma, girls, and criminal justice involvement.



Using Trauma-Informed Practices to Enhance Safety and Security in Women’s Correctional Facilities

Source: National Resource Center on Justice Involved Women

Description: An article with guidelines and steps for creating trauma-informed women’s correctional facilities.



Women’s Pathways to Jail: The Roles & Intersections of Serious Mental Illness & Trauma

Source: Bureau of Justice Assistance

Description: Research article. Evaluates the prevalence of serious mental illness, PTSD, and substance use disorders at multiple women’s jails. It also demonstrates how victimization predicts poor mental health, which predicts offending behavior.



Young Adult Outcomes of Girls Involved in Juvenile Justice System: Distinct Patterns of Risk and Protection

Source: National Institute on Corrections

Description: Research article.




5. Jail & Prison Resources


Addressing Correctional Officer Stress: Programs and Strategies

Source: NCJRS

Description: A guide to assist corrections administrators is addressing employee stress.



Correctional Officer Wellness and Safety Literature Review

Source: Department of Justice and OJP Diagnostic Center

Description: A review of the research on correctional officer stress.



Creating a Place of Healing and Forgiveness: The Trauma-Informed Care Initiative at the Women's Community Correctional Center of Hawaii

Source: National Center for Trauma-Informed Care

Description: The Trauma-Informed Care Initiative (TICI) is a unique collaboration among the facility administration, staff, and inmates; community non-profits; state and federal agencies; educators and researchers; and volunteers from churches and civic groups. Reducing the use of restraints and isolation has been a focus of the training and activities of TICI, since these interventions are likely to re-traumatize women who are trauma survivors and cause trauma responses in women who had not previously experienced trauma.



Creating Trauma-Informed Correctional Care: A Balance Of Goals And Environment

Source: European Journal of Psychotraumatology

Description: A clinical practice article by a Niki Miller, who works for the New Hampshire Dept. of Corrections, and Lisa Najavits, who developed Seeking Safety, a treatment program for PTSD and substances abuse. The authors explore the unique challenges and promises of trauma-informed correctional care and suggest strategies for administrative support, staff development, programming, and relevant clinical approaches.



Implementing Therapeutic Communities in Women’s Prisons

Source: Federal Probation (Journal)

Description: This article outlines and evaluates one therapeutic community (TC) treatment program in a women’s correctional environment.



In Prison We Care

Source: National Council Magazine

Description: On pg. 57, an interview of Lynn Bissonnette, Massachusetts Correctional Institution Superintendent, who describes her experience implementing Trauma-Informed Care in a women’s prison.



Law Enforcement Traumatic Stress: Clinical Syndromes and Intervention Strategies

Source: American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress

Description: An article about coping with traumatic stress in law enforcement.



Mental Health Issues in Long-Term Solitary and “Supermax” Confinement

Source: Crime & Delinquency (Journal)

Description: An academic paper on the effects of solidary confinement.



Painful Truths About Vicarious Trauma: Statistics from the Field

Source: The Olga Phoenix Project

Description: Basic information about vicarious and secondary trauma and a discussion of occupations and people most susceptible to these. 



Prison Yoga Project

Description: Founded by James Fox at California’s San Quentin State Prison, where he’s been teaching yoga and mindfulness practices to prisoners since 2002. James’s groundbreaking work with prisoners has earned international acclaim in the yoga community and growing recognition in American prisons.



Restorative Justice - Prison Cell

Source: Restoritive Justice Online

Description: Part of a site put together by the Prison Fellowship International Centre for Justice and Reconciliation, this section provides resources and information for prison administrators, prison officers, prisoners, victims, prisoner assistance NGOs and others interested in the use of restorative justice in confinement.



Restorative Justice and the Transformation of Jails: An Urban Sheriff's Case Study in Reducing Violence

Source: Police Practice & Research (Journal)

Description: This is a case study of the San Francisco Sheriff Department's Resolve to Stop the Violence Project (RSVP), which is a restorative justice program founded by the Sheriff and members of the SFSD staff in 1997. Although RSVP works with violent offenders who have already committed violent offenses, this program is designed to both intervene and prevent further violence. All offenders in RSVP have been convicted of or charged with violent offenses and will be released from jail into the city's neighborhoods within a year of their sentence or incarceration.



RSAT Training Tool: Trauma-Informed Approaches in Correctional Settings

Source: Residential Substance Abuse Treatment (RSAT): Training and Technical Assistance

Description: A training about the relationship between substance abuse and trauma for those working in correctional settings.


Manuel -

PowerPoint -


Serving Life

Source: OWN

Description: A documentary produced by Forest Whitaker about prisoners getting "turned around" doing in-house hospice.



The Trauma of the Incarceration Experience

Source: Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review

Description: A paper written by a formerly incarcerated man about how prison itself is traumatizing.



Using Trauma-Informed Practices to Enhance Safety and Security in Women’s Correctional Facilities

Source: National Resource Center on Justice Involved Women

Description: An article with guidelines and steps for creating trauma-informed women’s correctional facilities.



Washington Coalition for Responsible Justice

Description: An organization to bring together the great minds and hearts that exist in Washington State to create a justice system where the outcome is positive for everyone.



Youth in Minnesota Correctional Facilities and the Effects of Trauma: Responses to the 2010 Minnesota Student Survey

Source: Minnesota Department of Public Safety Office of Justice Programs

Description: A survey youth in correctional facilities in Minnesota, which looked at the prevalence of trauma in their lives and compared it to trauma experienced by mainstream. It also suggests trauma-informed initatives.




6. Juvenile Justice Resources


7 Common Characteristics of Juvenile Mental Health Courts
Source: Gains Center, SAMHSA
Description: Identifies seven common characteristics of Juvenile Mental Health Courts (JMHCs) as part of a National Institute of Justice – funded study, Assessing the Effectiveness of Juvenile Mental Health Courts as a Community Justice Strategy. These common characteristics are based on a national survey, stakeholder interviews, participant focus groups, parent/guardian focus groups, stakeholder focus groups, observations of status hearings, and extensive interviews with current participants and their guardians. These seven characteristics are applicable to any jurisdiction, regardless of size and available treatment services.

An Explanation of Trauma-Informed Care in Juvenile Justice/Courts
Source: Safe Start Center
Description: Gives basic information and resources about what is trauma-informed care and why it is necessary for courts working with children.

Children’s Exposure to Violence and the Intersection Between Delinquency and Victimization
Source: OJJDP, Juvenile Justice Bulletin
Description: Research article.


Closer to Home: An Analysis of the State and Local Impact of the Texas Juvenile Justice Reforms
Council of State Governments report draws on an unprecedented dataset of 1.3 million individual case records spanning eight years, shows youth incarcerated in state-run facilities are 21 percent more likely to be rearrested than those who remain under supervision closer to home. When they do reoffend, youth released from state-secure facilities are three times more likely to commit a felony than youth under community supervision.

Community Justice Concept Paper by Cook County Juvenile Justice Task Force
Source: Chicago Youth Justice
Description: This concept paper suggests funding reallocations supporting trauma-informed practices in Cook County’s juvenile justice system.
Executive summary - http://chiyouthjustice.wordpre...-justice-task-force/
Full report - http://chiyouthjustice.files.w...nty-vision-paper.pdf

Community Solutions for Youth in Trouble
Source: Texas Criminal Justice Coalition
Description: The successful programs identified in this report are county-developed and county-approved. Each program in the report has been successful even under the considerable real-world constraints that county juvenile departments face. Whether your county is struggling with mental health services, the use of seclusions and restraints, reentry planning, or some other juvenile justice concern, this report can help identify solutions that have worked for other counties like yours.

Core Principles for Reducing Recidivism and Improving Other Outcomes for Youth in the Juvenile Justice System
Source: Council of State Governments- Justice Center
Description: This paper is to help guide people working in government to use research and resources to improve outcomes for youth in the criminal justice system.

The Effects of Complex Trauma on Youth: Implications for School Discipline and Court-Involved Youth
Source: Administrative Office of the Courts
Description: This AOC briefing provides information on the impact of trauma on development and discusses what this means in juvenile courts and in schools.

Get Involved: A Collection of Juvenile Justice Resources
Source: Annie E. Casey Foundation
Description: A list of news about and advocates for juvenile justice reform.

Healing Invisible Wounds: Why Investing in Trauma-Informed Care for Children Makes Sense
Source: Justice Policy Institute
Description: This 15-page brief provides a good set of recommendations and steps to creating a trauma-informed system for child-serving systems, law enforcement, judges and entire judicial systems to better recognize and treat trauma in children.

Identifying Polyvictimization and Trauma Among Court-Involved Children and Youth: A Checklist and Resource Guide for Attorneys and Other Court-Appointed Advocates
Source: Safe Start Center
Description: This toolkit and checklist is designed to make legal representation of children in delinquency, dependency (abuse/neglect) and other cases more focused on addressing the victimization a child client has experienced, and on how that client has been affected by multiple traumas

Implementing Juvenile Justice Reform: The Federal Role
Source: The National Academic Press
Description: This report provides information about how bring a developmental approach to juvenile justice and OJJDP.

Juvenile Justice Reform: Creating Developmentally Informed Services of Care
Source: Voices for Children
Description: A PowerPoint download by Kayla Pope (MD, JD) at Boys Town National Research Hospital. December 6, 2012. It focuses on the need to build trauma-informed juvenile justice systems acknowledging the mental health needs and histories of youth who come through its doors.

Juvenile Justice Resource Hub
Source: Juvenile Justice Information Exchange
Description: This resource hub provides extensive information about information about all facets of juvenile justice and reform trends. It describes best practices, research, toolkits, and lists individuals and organizations with expertise on these issues.

Juvenile Justice Resource Hub: Evidence Based Practices
Source: JJIE
Description: An overview explaining evidence based practices in juvenile justice. Answers basic questions and provides some examples.
Related links:
Evidence-Based ‘Gold Standard’: Coveted, Yet Controversial:
The Evidence Behind Even The Most Highly-Regarded Treatment Models For Court-Involved Youth Isn’t Nearly As Strong As Advertised:

Juvenile Justice System Fact Sheets and Resources
Source: The National Child Traumatic Stress Network
Description: This page includes download of many resources for mental health professionals, juvenile justice professionals, judges, and attorneys. Below is a sample of some of the resources available there.
Main page -
For Mental Health and Juvenile Justice Professionals:
- Think Trauma Toolkit –
- Screening and Assessment in the Juvenile Justice System –
- Trauma and the Environment of Care in Juvenile Institutions -
- Assessing Exposure to Psychological Trauma and Post-Traumatic Stress in the Juvenile Justice Population -
- Trauma-Focused Interventions for Youth in the Juvenile Justice System –
- Victimization and Juvenile Offending -
For Judges and Attorneys:
- Helping Traumatized Children: Tips for Judges -
- NCTSN Bench Card for the Trauma-Informed Judge -
- Ten Things Every Juvenile Court Judge Should Know About Trauma and Delinquency -


Juvenile Offenders and Victims: 2014 National Report

Source: National Center for Juvenile Justice

Description: The fourth edition of a comprehensive report on juvenile crime, victimization, and the juvenile justice system. The report consists of the most requested information on juveniles and the juvenile justice system in the U.S. Developed by the National Center for Juvenile Justice (NCJJ) for the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP), the report draws on reliable data and relevant research to provide a comprehensive and insightful view of young offenders and victims, and what happens to those who enter the juvenile justice system in the United States.


Law Enforcement’s Leadership Role in Juvenile Justice Reform: Actionable Recommendations for Practice & Policy
Source: International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP)
Description: Guidelines for how law enforcement can reduce juvenile crime and work with juveniles in developmentally appropriate ways.

Positive Youth Justice Initiative
Source: Sierra Health Foundation
Description: This eight-page briefing paper discusses the California program's four design elements: 1) Positive youth development; 2) Trauma-informed care; 3) Wraparound service delivery; and 4) Improved operational capacity.
Briefing paper -
Video of talk by Dr. Monique Marrow -

Project Pooch - Mission and Research
Description: Information about an Oregon-based non-profit prison dog program that matches incarcerated youth with unwanted shelter dogs. Program youth interviewed reported that they felt they had changed and improved in the areas of honesty, empathy, nurturing, social growth, understanding, self-confidence and pride of accomplishment. Zero recidivism among the Project POOCH youth interviewed.
Information about program -
Video -

PTSD, Trauma, and Comorbid Psychiatric Disorders in Detained Youth
Source: OJJDP
Description: Research article.

Reclaiming Futures: Communities helping teens overcome drugs, alcohol, & crime –Webinar Achieves
Source: Reclaiming Futures
Description: Hosts new webinars almost every month. ("Webinars" are presentations given live online, via the web and teleconference. They can be recorded for access at any time.) Topics include juvenile justice reform, juvenile drug courts, adolescent substance abuse treatment, positive youth development, and many more.

Reform Trends and Strategies
Source: Juvenile Justice Information Exchange
Description: This resource describes strategies, initiatives, and provides examples for creating reform in the juvenile justice system.

Reforming Juvenile Justice: A Developmental Approach
Source: OJJDP and National Research Council
Description: This book reviews recent advances in behavioral and neuroscience research and draw out the implications of this knowledge for juvenile justice reform, to assess the new generation of reform activities occurring in the United States, and to assess the performance of OJJDP in carrying out its statutory mission as well as its potential role in supporting scientifically based reform efforts.

Report of the Attorney General’s National Task Force on Children Exposed to Violence
Source: OJJDP
Description: Recommendations for working with children exposed to violence. Chapter six of the report is specifically about “Rethinking Our Juvenile Justice System.”
Report -
Message from Robert L. Listenbee (OJJDP) about Task Force Report -

Safe Humane Chicago
Description: With a focus on education, advocacy, and second chances for at-risk youth and animals, SHC was founded to make communities safer by reducing violence for our children and companion animals. Four key programs: Lifetime Bonds; Youth Leaders; Collaborative Justice; and Community Outreach.

Stories of Change Among Justice-Involved American Indian Youth
Source: RTI International
Description: From the Cross-Site Evaluation of OJJDP’s Tribal Green Reentry Program.


Tools For Promoting Educational Success And Reducing Delinquency

Source: The National Center on Education, Disability and Juvenile Justice (EDJJ)
Description: Information specifically about reintegration into school and the workforce after incarceration, including discussion of mentoring programs.

Trauma and Resilience: A New Look at Legal Advocacy for Youth in the Juvenile Justice and Child Welfare Systems
Source: Juvenile Law Center
Description: A report outlining of how to use research on trauma to advocate for youth in the juvenile justice and child welfare systems.


Trauma in Dual-Status Youth: Putting Things in Perspective

Source: Children's Action Corps

Description: This article is the first in a series on trauma-related procedures for use with dual status youth—children and adolescents who come into contact with both child welfare and juvenile justice systems. Traumatic experiences can have significant impact on the mental health, physical health, and behavior of children and youth whom practitioners work to protect, treat, and rehabilitate.  This article describes generally the state of our understanding of the prevalence of trauma-based behavior problems and considerations in designing agreed-upon best practices to identify them. It explores the importance of clearly defining one’s objectives for identifying trauma in youth, discusses the broad types of screening and assessments available for use in identification, and highlights important issues of implementation.



Trauma-Informed System of Care
Source: National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges
Description: 10 key principles for a trauma-informed system of care

Trauma-Informed Care
Source: Florida Department of Juvenile Justice
Description: Florida Department of Juvenile Justice made a commitment to integrate trauma-informed practices in 2009. This site provides training information and some resources to support this intention.
Webinars, Presentations, and Resources -
Roadmap to System Excellence -

Tribal Juvenile Detention and Reentry Training and Technical Assistance Center (TJDR)
Source: Tribal Reentry and OJJDP
Description: A resource center for tribes operating juvenile detention centers or who are interested in improving their juvenile justices systems.

Victimization and Trauma Experienced by Children and Youth: Implications for Legal Advocates
Source: Safe Start Center
Description: Explains guidelines for creating a trauma-informed legal practice that works with children.

Voices From the Field: Findings From the NGI Listening Sessions
Source: National Council on Crime and Delinquency and OJJDP
Description: This small sampling of comments represents what justice system-involved girls, their parents, and staff, respectively, shared during listening sessions held nationwide by the National Girls Institute (NGI).
Findings -
Executive summary -

When the Cure Makes You Ill: Seven Core Principles to Change the Course of Youth Justice
Source: New York Law School Law Review
Description: This 41-page report highlights seven core principles of youth justice reform. It proceeds in seven sections, each corresponding to one principle. Each section introduces a principle, describes how the status quo’s failure to adopt that principle is causing harm, and briefly articulates policy solutions grounded in the relevant principle.

Young Adult Outcomes of Girls Involved in Juvenile Justice System: Distinct Patterns of Risk and Protection
Source: National Institute on Corrections
Description: Research article.

Youth in Minnesota Correctional Facilities and the Effects of Trauma: Responses to the 2010 Minnesota Student Survey
Source: Minnesota Department of Public Safety Office of Justice Programs
Description: A survey youth in correctional facilities in Minnesota, which looked at the prevalence of trauma in their lives and compared it to trauma experienced by mainstream. It also suggests trauma-informed initatives.



7. Law Enforcement & Corrections Resources


Cops, Kids, and Domestic Violence

Source: National Child Traumatic Stress Network

Description: Law enforcement training DVD and support documents (which can be used independently).


Video –

Documents -


Creating a Trauma-Informed Law Enforcement System

Source: National Child Traumatic Stress Network

Description: Short case studies of programs in New Haven, CT, Wilmington, DE, and New Orleans, LA.



The Crime Fighter’s Revolution

Source: Winnipeg Free Press

Description: Describes an intervention based approached used by a police department in Canada to reduce violent crime.

Link: http://www.winnipegfreepress.c...devon-209771811.html


The Effects of Adolescent Development on Policing

Source: Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice

Description: This brief provides an overview of adolescent brain development and its effects on law

enforcement interactions with youth. Reviewing youth developmental stages and their effects on youth behavior may increase understanding of how and why teenagers think and act the way they do. This brief includes strategies for law enforcement to apply this knowledge during youth interactions, outlining important considerations for integrating this information into everyday practices, procedures, and program



Law Enforcement – What Is Trauma Informed Care?

Source: Safe Start Center

Description: An explanation of why law enforcement should be trauma-informed. It also includes many resources including, publications, curricula, and guides.



Law Enforcement’s Leadership Role in Juvenile Justice Reform: Actionable Recommendations for Practice & Policy

Source: International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP)

Description: Guidelines for how law enforcement can reduce juvenile crime and work with juveniles in developmentally appropriate ways.



On-Site Academy

Description: A non-profit residential treatment and training center for critical incident stress management, serving emergency service workers who are in distress. The program is for all law enforcement, fire service, EMS, or other human service personnel who are themselves temporarily overwhelmed by the stress of their jobs, what they have seen, and what they have been through.


Restorative Justice and the Transformation of Jails: An Urban Sheriff's Case Study in Reducing Violence

Source: Police Practice & Research (Journal)

Description: This is a case study of the San Francisco Sheriff Department's Resolve to Stop the Violence Project (RSVP), which is a restorative justice program founded by the Sheriff and members of the SFSD staff in 1997. Although RSVP works with violent offenders who have already committed violent offenses, this program is designed to both intervene and prevent further violence. All offenders in RSVP have been convicted of or charged with violent offenses and will be released from jail into the city's neighborhoods within a year of their sentence or incarceration.



RSAT Training Tool: Trauma-Informed Approaches in Correctional Settings

Source: Residential Substance Abuse Treatment (RSAT): Training and Technical Assistance

Description: A training about the relationship between substance abuse and trauma for those working in correctional settings.


Manuel -

PowerPoint -


"Shameful" Secret?: Post-Traumatic Symptoms In The Corrections Ranks

Source: Equal Justice Foundation

Description: An article about the stress and trauma experienced by those working in a supermax prison.



Trauma-Informed Correctional Care: Promising for Prisoners and Facilities

Source: Corrections & Mental Health

Description: An article about the importance of trauma-informed corrections, as well as a list of resources.



Trauma Informed Sexual Assault Investigation Training

Source: International Association of Chiefs of Police

Description: Here you can sign up for trainings that help law enforcement respond to sexual assaults in trauma-informed ways. There are also a variety of other resources and videos to train law enforcement on this topic.



West Coast Post-trauma Retreats (WCPR) Program

Description: The WCPR program is for first responders whose lives have been impacted by their work experience. It is a residential treatment facility.




8. Mental Health in Criminal Justice Resources


7 Common Characteristics of Juvenile Mental Health Courts

Source: Gains Center, SAMHSA

Description: Identifies seven common characteristics of Juvenile Mental Health Courts (JMHCs) as part of a National Institute of Justice – funded study, Assessing the Effectiveness of Juvenile Mental Health Courts as a Community Justice Strategy. These common characteristics are based on a national survey, stakeholder interviews, participant focus groups, parent/guardian focus groups, stakeholder focus groups, observations of status hearings, and extensive interviews with current participants and their guardians. These seven characteristics are applicable to any jurisdiction, regardless of size and available treatment services.



Adult Mental Health Treatment Court Database

Source: SAMHAS's Gains Center

Description: A comprehensive database to identify the existing mental health courts in the United States. As a living document, the information included in the database will be updated as needed. It includes: the location of each mental health court, the year established, target participants (e.g. felony, misdemeanor, violent/non), approximate annual enrollments (or total enrollments), and necessary contact information. This database was completed in December 2012, and is updated. Click on a state in a map of the U.S., and a list of all courts will appear, alphabetized by county. 



Evidence Based Practice (EBP) Fact Sheets for Behavioral and Mental Health of Justice-Involved Persons

Source: SAMHSA’s Gains Center for Behavioral Health and Justice Transformation

Description: A list of briefs, fact sheets, webinars, and checklists useful for people working on mental health issues in criminal justice settings.



Mental Health Issues in Long-Term Solitary and “Supermax” Confinement

Source: Crime & Delinquency (Journal)

Description: An academic paper on the effects of solidary confinement.



PTSD, Trauma, and Comorbid Psychiatric Disorders in Detained Youth

Source: OJJDP

Description: Research article.



Traumatic Brain Injury in the Criminal Justice Population

Source: The Council of State Governments – Justice Center

Description: This webinar discusses traumatic brain injury and the implications of its prevalence in the criminal justice system.



Working with Court‐Involved Military Families: The Effects of PTSD and Substance Abuse

Source: Children and Family Futures

Description: Power Point slides.


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