"In July 2013 a German Shepherd named Captain was found beaten and bloodied in a Vancouver dumpster. The dog, formerly a K9 candidate, died as a result of his injuries...
"In response to my concern that animals are considered property in the Criminal Code of Canada, she asked me where I would suggest incorporating animal cruelty in the Code. I responded that I wasn't sure, and that I recognize the “slippery slope” argument regarding animal rights, but that I felt where the offense is placed now, under property offenses, does not recognize the sentience of animals or the link between animal cruelty and violence toward humans. I suggested that animals are more akin to children than inanimate property so perhaps animal cruelty should be considered a form of assault.
"When she asked me what I thought the biggest problem was with regard to animal cruelty cases, I responded that I felt it was with judges who do not use the maximum sentences available to them....
"Brian Whitlock, Captain's owner, was sentenced to 60 days in June 2013. Captain was only two years old at the time of his death."
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