The December 2020 CTIPP-CAN call began with an update by a representative from the Office of Rep. Lisa Blunt Rochester (DE) to provide an overview on trauma-informed legislation and additional highlights in the policy landscape for engaging race, trauma, and wellness.
The next presenter, Father Paul Abernathy, CEO of the Neighborhood Resilience Project and CTIPP board member, explores the ways in which anti-racist and trauma-informed work may find synergy. This session examined ways in which we move towards justice and reconciliation in a way that invites collective and personal healing.
Teena Brooks, LMSW, ABD is a CTIPP board member and Adjunct faculty member at Columbia School of Social Work. Much of Teena’s work has focused on understanding the impact of structural racism on health; and Teena shared her experiences integrating trauma-informed care with equity principles and discussed the National Trauma Campaign’s efforts to develop an equity plan.
After presentations, we took time for a collective discussion and gathered insight from participants on the call.
You can view December's CTIPP CAN call at this link.
CTIPP CAN's January 2021 call will be on the 27th instead of the 20th due to Inauguration Day, but is generally held on the third Wednesday of every month from 2-3:30pm ET. (The Jan. 27 call will address the critical need for universities to produce trauma-informed graduates.) If you would like to be added to the CTIPP CAN listserv, please email jesse@traumacampaign.orgwith the subject line: Please Add Me To The CTIPP CAN Listserv.
Additionally, all members of the National Trauma Campaign receive updates about monthly CTIPP CAN calls. You can sign up for the Campaign as either an individual or an organization to help propel policies toward creating a trauma-informed United States.
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