"Faced with the dual demands of motherhood and poverty, as many as one fourth of low-income minority mothers struggle with major depression. But the stigma associated with mental illness coupled with limited access to quality treatment prevent the majority of these struggling women from receiving help.
"Now a new study shows that screening for the disorder and providing short-term, relationship-focused therapy through weekly home visits can relieve depression among minority mothers, even in the face of poverty and personal histories of abuse or violence. Such help can have far reaching benefits not only for mothers, but also for their children, say the authors.
"It's amazing, really," says psychologist Sheree Toth, lead author...
"The study participants also continued to improve eight-months after the treatment ended, regaining a sense of hope and control over their lives and reporting feeling more connected to and supported by others....
"Even with the creative accommodations offered in this study, Rogosch notes that 40 percent of mothers identified as depressed declined all care. The authors suggest that future research should explore ways to make the interview process even more welcoming."
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