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Online Course For Stress Relief, Emotional Resilience And Mental Health


It seems mental health is (finally!) becoming a household phrase. No longer does it imply that something is wrong or unhealthy. No longer are therapeutic support or mental health tools so hush-hush or drenched in shame.

But there’s still work to do.

The truth is, we’re just waking up to the fact that we can always be improving our mental health.

And it’s an ongoing, worthwhile journey.

With the ACE assessment, we can pinpoint the things in our childhood that could be contributing to mental health challenges, and when we take an inventory of our positive childhood experiences, we can reflect on the things that helped us create a foundation of resilience, positivity, mental strength, and compassion.

But, life continues to be challenging, in childhood and in adulthood.

So what’s wrong with getting a little help?

When it comes to the quest to destigmatize mental health, it’s one thing to be aware of the existence of mental health and quite another to be accepting of it as a beautiful and worthwhile pursuit.

Acceptance runs much deeper than simply being aware, and it unites us based on our shared desire for genuine happiness. I believe accepting mental health is a necessary stepping stone on the path to destigmatizing it once and for all.

So, this is calling to help destigmatize mental health with acceptance—acceptance of ourselves, our peers, our children, our family, and our friends in however that mental health journey unfolds. To see mental health as a necessary part of life and a wonderful, worthy pursuit for all. To accept fully and with friendliness, care, and compassion: the recipe of love.

If you’d like to begin your mental health journey with simple, engaging, and fun techniques for less stress, visit the True Sage website to learn more.

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When reading online therapy site evaluations, pay attention to the client's description of their experience, the therapist's professionalism, and the overall quality of the services offered. Online Therapy Sites Reviews - offer the advantage of giving you a more honest perspective from people who have really used the service rather than merely retelling what the online therapist says. As with anything, don't base your opinion solely on the cover. While the disadvantages may not exceed the advantages for every therapist, it's always a good idea to evaluate both sides of an argument before making a decision.

Last edited by Ivory Howard

So many times in the past 10 years if you made or received a suggestion about Mental Health, it was construed as a "Pointing Finger" in many cases which immediately turned most people off and then locked down over even investigating a topic or starting a discussion.  I too believe that the move toward destigmatizing mental health is not a joyous act, per se, but a needed movement toward healing in society and family.  We are seeing that mental health issues do affect our children, do affect the health of our children and ourselves and do affect the future in so many cases even though many times its disguised as health problems that warrant endless and painful visits to doctors and surgeons and not to mention the amount of money spent of health care for said Trauma produced illnesses.

Thank you for all the Resources.  I really appreciate it very much


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