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The world may not be ready to empathize with Vladimir Putin as he inflicts unprovoked carnage on the Ukrainian people, but Jane Stevens has an explanation for his callous indifference. Stevens is the founder and editor of ACEsTooHigh, a news site that reports on the impact of adverse childhood experiences.
Stevens says Putin’s childhood was laden with ACEs – “lack of food, inadequate housing, bullying, neglect, parental depression, etc. And he obviously inherited a bunch of ACEs from his parents, including wartime trauma personified by Nazi forces that threatened their existence and their homeland,” she writes. “But what’s also evident is what he didn’t seem to get: appropriate attachment – the strong and requisite bond between a parent and a child that leads to a healthy life and without which children can die or be damaged… Kindness and affection didn’t seem to be part of Putin’s world.”
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