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Diverse communities, common needs


From Ben York, Parent Powered, April 16, 2020

Each community is different, but many of our challenges providing ongoing family engagement during school closures are the same.

We at Ready4K have learned that early childhood educators have common needs:

"Easy to understand and low cost learning activities that parents will complete with their kids when we are not there or even when parents don't answer their phones" (Iowa)

"Encouraging families to understand their role as their child's first and most important teacher" (Hawaii)

"Staying connected & fostering positive relationships" (Michigan)

"Providing activities for children to decrease stress and trauma in the homes" (Maryland)

"Resources that everyone has access to and bilingual activities" (DC)

That's why we're offering Ready4K Core for free through the end of the school year: to support your whole child learning goals, even when you can't be there.

We hope you will join your fellow early ed providers by applying today.

Wishing you and your families all the best,
Ben York
Founder & CEO
ParentPowered, home of Ready4K

PS: Research shows the Ready4K methodology can lead to 2+ months of growth over a school year and builds stronger home-school connections. We invite you to check out the evidence basis behind our work.

[Please click here to access the resource.]

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