Has this ever happened to you….you find yourself in a downcast mood or funk? You can’t quite figure out the issue so you push ahead only to then realize the date. This week is six years since I discovered her affair…it’s exactly eight years since he walked out the door…at this time last year everything changed.
You may not consciously remember or track the date of negative events like you would for a birthday or anniversary, but still it finds you. All of us have times in our lives that have changed us. They rock us to the core and they have the ability to instantly change the course of our future. A death, divorce or a betrayal can alter who we are and how we look at the world. Even when we move on and heal, the impact remains. You cannot gain back an innocence lost or return a cover that’s been pulled.
While it’s easy to accept that significant moments have the ability to change us, can they imprint in a way that we are not even consciously aware of? Do they have the ability to attach in a way that influences our emotions or behaviors when we least expect it?
[For more of this story, written by Amy Bellows, go to http://blogs.psychcentral.com/...mprint-on-our-lives/]
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