“The Camouflage Closet,” a short documentary directed by Stanford medical student Michael Nedelman, offers a snapshot into the lives of nine lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) veterans and their personal stories involving post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), trauma and recovery. The documentary will premiere tomorrow night in San Francisco as part of the National Queer Arts Festival.
Discussing the importance of making the film, Nedelman said, “Many of us rely on two things to cope with traumatic experiences: community and identity. In the military, this was actively suppressed for LGBT service members. Even though [Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell] DADT has ended, we will continue to see the impacts of anti-LGBT policies, and it is becoming clear that there is much that can be done to address it.”
Premieres June 4th at 7:30pm in San Francisco, CA. More info: http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/374694
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