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DOD wants transgender Tricare coverage []


The Defense Department sent a strong signal Monday that it intends to open the military to transgender troops with the release of proposed changes to Tricare.

The department wants the health insurance to cover hormone treatment for gender dysphoria, the clinical term for wanting to transition to a male or female gender, according to a notice published in the Federal Register.

The insurance change is likely to be scrutinized by Congress, where Republicans have been critical of the recent landmark decision to open combat roles to women. But the chairman of the House Armed Services Committee said he was open to the idea as long as transgender servicemembers can do their assigned jobs.

[For more of this story, written by Travis J. Tritten, go to]

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I had the privilege of serving as the Navy Medicine West (NMW) Transgender Care Team's (TGCT) Clinical Social Work Case Manager at Naval Medical Center San Diego( July 22, 2016 to December 28, 2018). I worked directly with 225 active-duty Sailors and Marines navigating a gender transition; who were stationed across Asia, Pacific islands and Western USA. The NMW TGCT is a multidisciplinary team of providers: endocrinologist, primary care physician, gynecologist, urologist, psychologist, psychiatrist, RN and LCSW. The TGCT continues to operate, as does the Navy Medicine East TGCT at Naval Medical Center Portsmouth in VA. The US Air Force has one TGCT (called Transgender MMDT) in San Antonio, TX and the US Army has, I believe, six regional TGCTs worldwide.

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