In highly competitive industries, like politics or finance, many people assume that you need to be cutthroat and merciless to be successful. Otherwise, you won’t win the hard battles or take big risks for big returns.
But a 2016 study found that U.S. senators displaying more ruthless, psychopathic behaviors had less support among colleagues for their proposed bills. And now, another study recently published in Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin reveals that walking all over others may not be the best strategy in high-stakes investing, either.
“We’re getting this converging evidence now from the financial sector, from organizational behavior, and from government suggesting that while we believe that a cutthroat approach is what garners success, that’s not really the case,” says lead author Leanne ten Brinke.
[For more on this story by JILL SUTTIE, go to https://greatergood.berkeley.e...t_pay_to_be_ruthless]
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