When Rockport-based physician Dr. Ira Mandel checks his voicemail box, he hears voices of desperation.
“I just need someone to help me treat my opiate addiction,” a man from Belfast says. “I got involved from an injury in my back. I just need help cleaning my life up. I’m 51 years old and full-time employed and I was hoping that you could help me.”
“I’m really hoping that you might be willing to take me as a patient,” a 46-year-old Rockland woman says in a trembling voice. “I was doing so well on the medication.… I have a counselor and all of it, but without that stability I’m scared.” - See more at: http://www.freepressonline.com...sthash.iYVyHMjk.dpuf
[For more of this story, written by Andy O'Brien, go to http://www.freepressonline.com...volution/52/78/43699]
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