Federal Policy Debates in 2025 Carry High StakesProposals in recent House Republican budget plans, the Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025, and past Trump Administration budgets call for massive disinvestment in a wide range of federally funded services and supports. If even some of these proposals are enacted, more families will struggle to pay their bills and afford groceries, more children will live in poverty, more families will face eviction and homelessness, fewer people will have access to lifesaving health care and coverage and care will cost more, and families will pay more for basic goods due to Trump-imposed tariffs — even as high-income households grow wealthier through expensive tax cuts heavily skewed toward them. An alternative, evidence-based path is available, however, that would enable us to make progress toward ensuring that everyone has the resources they need to thrive and to build the lives they want for themselves and their families. Research shows that investing in Medicaid and health coverage improves health outcomes and saves lives for children and adults alike. Research also shows that investing in rental assistance reduces homelessness and eviction and stabilizes children’s schooling. And studies find that helping families afford the basics through food assistance and income supports like the Child Tax Credit can have long-term benefits for children in areas ranging from health and school performance to future earnings. The policies are well known, and our wealthy nation can afford to make these kinds of investments; all that’s lacking is the political will. READ THE FULL REPORT https://www.cbpp.org/research/...25-carry-high-stakes |
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