"This experience of human disconnection, a separation of self from self and self from others, is a fundamental concept in both trauma-informed practice and in eCPR....
"When I am practicing eCPR I am cleaning the lens. By that I mean, I intentionally focus on letting go of judgments and labels; there is nothing to protect. We focus on perceiving a person in distress in their full humanity. The distress is a particular patterned way that this person’s internal war has escalated. As a supporter, our role is to be with them and assist them in finding peace. We do this by seeing the genuine person underneath her lens, underneath the social conditioning, underneath her story. And when we do this we are perceiving or ‘being’ underneath our own lens. From this place, where peace is revealed in the deep connection of two people, I mirror back the best I see in her, my great hope for her, my belief in her, my knowing that together, in this moment, we will move through this...."
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