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Every Moment Matters - Letter to the UN



I’d like to speak with someone about why every moment matters to you, (if applicable) your family, and all we care about, and how we can address the SDGs in a different way.

I always want to start with take the best care of yourself as you can, and that’s an always statement.  If you do hit a point you need support, please reach out.  And if the support you need isn’t available, I ask you continue to do the best you can to take care of yourself.

Before I outline the issue and approach, I want to start with defining two words I will be using, logic and connection.  Logic: Objectively think things completely through, considering all possibilities.  Connection: Internal – Value who I am, know how I function, and stay self-aware;  External - that mental-emotional connection to others, our world, and all that is.There are obviously nuances of individual capacity and functionality that I will address later.

Connecting All

We know that anything unanalyzed means we are moving forward without knowing what is known, not known, or the possibilities.  Then that lack of awareness leads to higher risk of creating and allowing injury, and not being prepared for the possibilities.  Nor being able to work towards what is hopefully possible as best we can.

Our world functions as a whole, so we have to analyze it and function from that reality.  Leaving out some specific science and logic, general operating rule: Everything affects everything everywhere.  If everything is connected, then everything matters.  If we want as much safety and well-being as possible, there is no way around this.

  • What we are doing or not doing right now is impacting everything in existence.
  • What we are doing or not doing right now is impacting every child around the world.
  • What we and others are doing or not doing right now is impacting our and other's safety and wellbeing.

Applying logic-connection: as an individual caring about myself, even if for whatever reason(s) (including biologically incapable), I didn’t have that emotional connection to others, logically- if anyone in the world doesn’t have all that they need that puts me the individual at greater risk.  Then caring about others, I don’t want to look any child in the eye and say here is what I was doing this moment when you needed me.  Every child is ours, everything we do impacts every child, and that awareness is part of what keeps us focused on doing all that needs done.

However, because of our overall lack of logic-connect, we do not live with the awareness of how everything is connected and every moment matters, and because of that, we are where we are now:

  • creating and allowing injury,
  • destroying ourselves,
  • and not prepared for possibilities.

Expanding on those.

Creating and allowing injury:  Child abuse is base line, but there is the list.  Keeping child abuse as the focus, at minimum we are allowing child abuse, when there is no reason for it to exist in our world, and then depending on who and where we are, we also might be unknowingly contributing to it.

Destroying ourselves, our bodies and our world: Everything from potential changes in male biology/physiology and fertility issues in males and female sexes, to how Covid was impacted by our treatment of the environment and possible future pandemics, by 2070 1/3 of people will be in unlivable heat, we are in our 6th extinction for the first time due to people, every environmental warning.

Not prepared for the possibilities: There is the basics of individuals-systems not prepared for an emergency or weather, but again on the global view, we have to understand how every part not having what they need to be as prepared as possible makes us vulnerable from any type of event from an accident to an incident.  We don’t live sustainable or prepared, from basics, to nuclear, to asteroids, to possible other-being invasions.  And it could all happen today.  And even if it wasn’t anything “out of the ordinary” every time we aren’t prepared, we know there is both the waste of basic resources to how violence increases, and the cost to the individuals and the world.  

So baseline, not only do we have children being abused right now, we are destroying ourselves, and the possibility of imminent worse. 

Overall, it is our lack of logic-connection that we are where we are, and for us to do all that can be addressed, logic-connection is the foundation.  Everyone capable, to whatever their functionalities, needs the skill of logic-connection and how to practice-live it to the best they can. And then we logically-connectively fill in each other’s gaps.

Most haven’t been taught logic-connection or/and how to practice-live the best they can.  And that is the core.People need what they haven’t been taught. Child abuse, violence, poverty, racism, de-individualization of all kinds, equity, the environment, our own personal-universal survival, cruelty, hopeful possibilities, everything that is within our ability to address, has logic-connection as foundation.

So let me summarize, before laying out the steps needed.

Connected to those who need us now, keeping them and others safe, and caring for our own well-being and survival, we want to do all that is within our ability as expediently, effectively, connectively as possible. Logic-Connection is the foundation.  And having that awareness of being connected to all (inclusive of all existence that we know and all possible existence) EVERY. MOMENT. MATTERS. Until then - the current and possible cost of all that could be addressed is beyond my communication.  

So what do we do?  Based on the above, I have been laying out an approach:

Module 1:  Intro, building a foundation, first steps

  • Covers this foundation with a bit more depth
  • Goes more into logic-connection skills
  • Basic Individual-Global approach
  • Beginning individual (if applicable, family) steps
  • Beginning global connection

Module 2: Reality

Goes into vital elements of our existence we all need to have a shared foundation of.  Just like I didn’t want to take for granted you would know what I meant by logic-connection, we need a shared foundation of our reality before we can move forward.

Module 3: Now to Forward Frameworks and Tough Topics

The frameworks are realistic, based on everything has to have an adjustable algorithm based on the data we have available and the functionality of the whole.  There is no perfect, so depending on the area we put in margins for the fact we can’t be perfect, but still need boundaries to keep us within acceptable limits. And with the foundations, we can now work through the complexities of our existence the best we can.

I am requesting an hour to present this more in-depth.  All of the UN’s sdgs fall into this. And outside of anything outside of our control, everything we as people need can be addressed by this.   

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