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Faces of ACEs: Hatred and fear, do they start here?

Grab a coffee, sit back and enjoy the read! I think its an interesting one. The beginning will become more clear as you near the end.
I'm writing this because I have NEVER understood how a oerson could feel such disdain for someone that they dont even know personally. 
I started WomenNotAlone during a time when I was going through some major life changes and felt alone and unsupported in life.  Iam wondering if that  "alone" feeling I once felt could very well be at the core of all  the hatred that we are seeing in the world today and of yesterdays. Hopefully not of the tomorrows!
 You see, "my story" includes many experiences as a child that caused me to feel unsafe around those closest to me. I was scared. I was hurt. I wondered what I did wrong and what was wrong with me. I was confused.  I felt alone. I felt like if I was drowning there would be no one to "throw me a line".  I felt victimized. Deep down I was angry (Don't worry I don't feel this way now!)
I eventually shut down to those that "hurt" me just to stay safe. I didn't understand why they were the way they were. I didnt like them. I felt no connection to them. I felt separate from them. It was me versus them. I blamed them for all that was wrong with my life, with me. My heart was not filled with love for them.
 My "story" ended up being my Gift!  
 I knew that my heart was really big and that having it empty wouldn't work for me. The gift of my story is that I opened my heart to everyone else around me. What I desired but didnt receive, I gave to others. 
What happens when  a "story" turns into a Curse?
What happens to someone who closes their heart for good? 
What happens if they always feel unsafe?
What happens if they always feel scared and alone?
What hapoens if they always feel disconnected from other people?
What happens if they always feel like they are drowning and belive no one will be there to throw them a line?
What hapoend if they always feel victimized?
What happens  if they always blame what's wrong in their life and in themselves on other people?
What happens if all that fiils their heart is  pain?
What happens to a person when all that is left of the story is Hurt...Anger...Fear?
How does a person act when they feel Unsupported... Victimized... Mistrustful... Separate...Alone ?
What if this person is still that child who unknowingly lives the pain of their "story" everyday.  
A "Story" that left such a deep wound  that it never healed. All that  they are left with is a dull ache, a nagging discomfort and dis-easiness that is present day in and day out?
Is this the Story behind the hatred we see on the news every night? 
Is hate simply that hurt child within?
Simply food for thought next time you are tempted to judge. 
The feelings and emotions discussed above often go hand in hand with ACE's, Adverse Childhood EXperiences. ACE's  can create a boatload  of suppressed  emotional pain. They often are the culprit behind  the development of unhealthy coping strategies. And I can tell you, from personal experience,  that these coping strategies dont work so well in adulthood. I point this out because  there are a lot of people in the world who look like adults sitting in the driver seat of their cars,  when in reality it's the child within who's doing the driving!  As a fellow driver you need to be aware of this. 
 Recent studies show that 67% of us have "stories" of ACE's. If you are 1 of the 33% without these experiences you still have to learn how to live along side the rest of us! And for the 2/3 of us who have experienced ACE's we must be aware and work on the broken pieces it leaves behind. 
If we are to coexist peacefully it's crucial to not judge others based only what is obvious. Again, tbis is NOT meant to be an excuse for anyones behaviot. It"s simply my way of trying to make sense out of something that doesn't make sense.
Life is messy. It's that messiness that makes us human. It's that Human Condition that unites us . It's Unity that creates Humanity.  
Our "stories" are NOT an excuse for who we are or how we behave. They ARE simply a tool to help us figure out why our lives aren't what we imagined they would be. 
I believe it was Einstein who said 
   "The mind that creates the problem cannot be the same mind that solves the problem"
If you've made it this far, I am grateful for the time you took to read this!
With much love and gratitude,  Leslie 

Warmest Regards,

Leslie Peters RN
"The Faces of Aces"

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Leslie - this is so dear and wonderful and telling. I was having many of the same thoughts myself tonight. Hurt people hurt people. And tonight, thanks to ACN and a lot of work through the years, I do understand more my own responses and do try to be more understanding of how people got to where they are. It is the human condition. And I believe "condition" is a great description. Love is the healer. The wide open heart may be more vulnerable, but I believe it has a better chance of healing.

Thank you for sharing this. 


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