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Faces of ACEs Video Showing at Savoy Theater Great Success!

It was a full house last at the Savoy Theater, in Montpelier VT), to see Kim Pierce's video, "Faces of ACEs." They had a second showing since not everyone who had come out on a windy, snowy Sunday evening could get in for the first showing.

Faces of ACEs Video Showing

The video is a very moving account of Kim's work screening her patients at the Plainfield Health Center for ACEs, and their responses to the screening. It is clear that the discussions about ACEs and their connections to life patterns is transformative for the patients. Kim does an excellent job providing her patients information and then support as the conversation proceeds. Her caring and commitment is evident, and her skill is impressive.

Kim also interviewed me and Priscilla White in the video about our work to bring Dr. Vincent Felitti to Vermont in 2013 to engage the medical field (which is when Kim learned about ACEs), and the subsequent work that resulted in Building Flourishing Communities.

I know there is interest in having the video shown at other areas around the state. Kim works full time as a physician's assistant, and her time is limited, but if you would like a showing, respond here and we'll see what we can do.


Images (1)
  • Faces of ACEs Video Showing: The Faces of ACEs Video was a "sell-out" at the Savoy Theater in Montpelier

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Hi Jane,
It is a very well-done video and gets a great response from everyone who sees it. As it is, it doesn’t really stand on its own, however – the woman who made it set it up to be shown as part of other ACEs kinds of presentations. She isn’t releasing it for general use right now, but its possible we arrange a showing on-line. Is that something we could do via ACEs Connection?


Kathy Hentcy |Mental Health & Health Care Integration Director
Department of Mental Health|280 State Drive| NOB 2 North
Waterbury, VT 05671-2010
Cell: 802-477-3008

“There is no health without mental health.”
The World Health Organization

And mental health can be protected and improved – just like physical health!
Hi Bea,
The woman who produced the video is not releasing it publicly. Maybe we could arrange a showing for you, though, on-line. Let me talk with her about it.


Kathy Hentcy |Mental Health & Health Care Integration Director
Department of Mental Health|280 State Drive| NOB 2 North
Waterbury, VT 05671-2010
Cell: 802-477-3008

“There is no health without mental health.”
The World Health Organization

And mental health can be protected and improved – just like physical health!

I would love to see the film with my  professional colleagues who are therapists with a broad range of clients. We specialize in systems therapy and are well aware of intergenerational impacts. It would be enriching to see a film that helps clients face and understand the impact of their families and childhoods. Please let me know how this can be arranged?? We are in Philadelphia.


Bea 215-382-6680 Ext. 3118

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