Dixon Chibanda, a Zimbabwean psychiatrist, tells the story of a young woman named Netsai whose husband kicked her out of their home when she gave birth to an albino girl. Suddenly homeless and without adequate food for herself or her baby, the young mother felt helpless and hopeless, and considered killing herself and her newborn child.
Seen one day crying and alone at a community shopping center, someone referred her to a local health clinic. In years past, there may have been little that primary care doctors there could do for a woman overwhelmed with suicidal thoughts. But these days, she was referred to a wooden park bench outside the clinic, where an older woman would sit with her and talk through her problems.
[For more of this story, written by Colby Itkowitz, go to https://www.washingtonpost.com...m_term=.cd237d2295ed]
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