"Each year, law enforcement agencies respond to alarming incidents of domestic violence. Approximately one-third of the criminal cases in the court system in Connecticut involve family violence....
"For decades, The Center for Women and Families of Eastern Fairfield County (CWF) has helped victims of domestic and sexual assault become survivors. But we also recognize that most criminal and civil justice systems make it difficult for victims to seek help and unintentionally wear them down. Victims are often required to travel from location to location to seek services that are scattered throughout our community....
"Our Women of Change program is the only victim program offering gender-specific and trauma-informed reintegration and reunification programming for female ex-offenders.
We have one of the longest running multi-disciplinary investigative teams and are accredited by the Child Advocacy Center of the National Children's Alliance.
Our vision: To create a community where there is a zero tolerance of domestic abuse and sexual assault. The Family Justice Center can help make this vision a reality...."
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