ALBUQUERQUE — Santiago Turrieta and Joee Ruiz were lounging in bed in a sleepy haze one morning after shooting their morning dose of heroin when Joee said, “Oh, baby. My water just broke.”
They had grown up just a few blocks from one another in Barelas, one of Albuquerque’s oldest and most historic barrios, a collection of old adobe houses on the edge of downtown. But they didn’t get together until a year after Santiago got out of prison in 2013.
He was an armed robber who had done 18 years in prisons across New Mexico. Out for good, he hoped, he was still stealing to buy dope for himself and his new girlfriend.
[For more on this story by Leslie Linthicum, go to http://www.santafenewmexican.c...a8-768c2921f504.html]
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