You aren’t blurry eyed or reading that wrong. It’s not weeks or months but YEARS.
Which is why I’ve been been obsessed with this ACE topic for a while now. I’m happy and healthy now, at midlife, I want to live a LONG life!
So, I’ve been carrying around this grim statistic and wondering,
What’s a high ACE-scoring adult to do?
I Googled and researched and figured with such a big study, (over 17,000 people) done in the late 1990’s (you know, not last week), there must be some great remedies, cures, treatments and plans to reduce that alarming health prediction.
I haven’t found anything yet.
So my old reporter stuff was like… “Wait, what does the guy himself who originated this study think?”
Dr. Felitti has talked to thousands and thousands and been thinking about this for a few decades. What does he think.
So I wrote to ask him and he graciously answered!
I’m guessing that Dr. Felitti gets a bazillion emails and calls. I wasn't expecting a response.
But I got one. He gave me book suggestions and this and the AcesTooHigh website.
Which was nice.
And useful.
And I’m going to get the one book he recommended that I don't have.
But in a polite as way as possible I said: 19 years early. It’s literally life and death. There's got to be more than books and websites.
I can’t be the first one who is asking, feeling or thinking this!
Plus, my friend Margaret and I were giving a talk about the ACE study and test to people who had never heard of it. How, in good conscience could we share early mortality facts without also sharing hope.
That seemed sort of mean.
Dr. Felitti shared the two techniques that he believes are effective and relatively inexpensive over the long-term because they work well and cover so much ground.
I’ve not used either one for developmental trauma so I'm not "selling" them with a personal agenda - just sharing. And I did let Dr. Felitti know I'd be sharing the info. Because this isn't the kind of stuff that needs to be kept secret.
File this under let’s help each other get and stay happy, healthy and alive.
Chidhood shouldn’t make adults fat, sick and give us early mortality. But, that’s what is happening now so we’ve got to stop waiting for parents or doctors to advocate for our protect us.
They didn’t.
We’re adults now. We can. Sometimes we even have to advocate to and with and for them. Most importantly, let's make it happen for ourselves and each other.
There are lots of us. Maybe less than 15% have scores of 6 or more but if 6 or more reduce by 19 years on average no number of ACE's are actually "good for" anyone. If 2/3 of all adults have at least a score of 1, this matters to lots of people. Or should.
Sorry to bury the lead: Here are Dr. Vincent Felitti’s suggestions from our March 2015 correspondence.
- EMDR (Eye-Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing
- Ericksonian Hypnotherapy
- Websites: (Founder/Editor, Jane Ellen Stevens) & www.acesconnections
- Books
- The Body Keeps Score,Brain, Mind & Body in the Healing of Trauma, Bessel van der Kolk , MD.
- Scared Sick: The Role of Childhood Trauma in Adult Disease, Robin Karr-Morse
- Jane Ellen Stevens, forthcoming 2015
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