Finding the right job used to depend on your skills, motivations, and a cultural fit with anorganisation.
But now there is an even more crucial factor to consider and without it, your mental health and wellbeing could be at risk. It is now recognised that a workplace that is not psychologically healthy can have lasting effects on your sanity and ability to bounce back after adversity.
Organisational psychologist, Dr Simon Moss, author of Where Should I Work? says that the right organisation cultivates a sense of meaning and purpose. As a result, you are more likely to fulfil your goals, extend your skills and enhance your reputation and relationships.
The results of neglecting staff psychological health and wellbeing are equally striking. According to the Australian Psychological Society (APS), stress-related compensation claims have doubled in recent years, costing over $10 billion each year. Millions of dollars are wasted annually on staff surveys and initiatives that have little or no evidence base.
So what should you look for in a psychologically healthy workplace? The APS's Psychologically Healthy Workplace program identifies the following six key indicators.
To find out what those six indicators are, go to:
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