On February 24, 2021, Dr. Warren Larkin of the UK and Becky Haas of the US launched the first meeting of the Global Resiliency Accelerator. During 2021, over 60 people from 14 countries joined the event as it met quarterly. Among these in attendance were professionals from Lithuania, Australia, Ukraine, Scotland, France, Canada, New Zealand, the US, Dublin, and Wales. The Participants' enthusiasm and passion was so great, that several of them made a commitment to be up in the middle of the night to attend. We are excited to begin this series again in 2022!
Plan now to join us for the first Global Resiliency Accelerator of 2022, which will be held on Tuesday, February 15 from 12-2 p.m. EST. This event will be focused on "networking." There will be 4 presenters sharing about the ACEs and Resilience work they are involved in within their respective countries. Following these presentations will be a time for questions and discussion.
Seating is limited for this global event. Here is the link for more information and to register: Global Resiliency Accelerator Tickets, Tue, Feb 15, 2022 at 12:00 PM | Eventbrite
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