On Monday, at Mi Pueblo Taqueria in Petaluma, CA, four ACEsConnection members from Sonoma County met and talked over plates of delicious, and plentiful, food.
Karen Clemmer, perinatal services coordinator at Sonoma County Department of Health Services in Santa Rosa; Grace Harris, parent resources director at California Parenting Institute in Santa Rosa; Lauren Forcella, founder and executive director of www.StraightTalkTNT.Org; and I talked about how we came to do the work we're doing.
We also shared information and contacts about ACEs and trauma-informed work that might be useful to each other.
For me, it was fun, inspiring and energizing to meet these dedicated women. We're planning on getting together every couple of months. Since a few more people from Sonoma County, CA, joined over the last week, next time we'll look for a place with a big table.
What did I forget? I forgot to take a photo of us!! (Just WHAT kind of journalist am I??? -- that's why there's a photo of the restaurant with this post!) I won't forget to do so this Friday, Sept. 13, when another contingent of NorCal ACErs meets in San Mateo, CA.
Check out the events section for more details. Those of you who live or work nearby, I hope to see you there!
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