Even for the relatively self-aware and emotionally adept, struggles can take us by surprise. But learning healthy ways to move through adversity — a collection of skills that researchers call resilience — can help us cope better and recover more quickly, or at least start us heading in that direction.
Here are 12 resilience practices (squeezed into five categories), which can help you confront emotional pain more skillfully.
1. Change the Narrative
2. Face Your Fears
3. Practice Self-Compassion
4. Meditate
5. Cultivate Forgiveness
Your Personal Toolbox for Tough Times
Stress and struggles come in many forms in life: adversity and trauma, fear and shame, betrayals of trust. The 12 practices above can help you cope with difficulties when they arise but also prepare you for challenges in the future. With enough practice, you’ll have a toolbox of techniques that come naturally — a rainy-day fund for the mind that will help keep you afloat when times get tough. Just knowing that you’ve built up your skills of resilience can be a great comfort and even a happiness booster.
To read Kira M. Newman's article, please click here.
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