The news cycle is flooded every day with more and more challenging issues facing our nation. In particular, two topics that I care deeply about have been taking center stage as of late: gender-based violence and climate change.
Over the last year, the #MeToo movement captured the country’s attention—making space, at last, for the stories of hundreds of sexual abuse survivors, transforming hundreds of celebrities into activists. And with unprecedented hurricanes, wildfires, an eroding infrastructure due to a rising sea level and record-breaking heat facing the same nation, climate change also become more personal—and political.
These two movements, though categorically different issues with separate impacts, actually have a great deal in common. And the opportunities to take action can be found in the same place.
[For more on this story by A. Tianna Scozzaro, go to]
For another story on climate change, see this story 9 questions about climate change you were too embarrassed to ask]
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