What drives you to live your life? Why do you get up? Why do you do what you do?
I haven’t always lived my life the way I do now – my life now came from a journey to awareness. That awareness included many things – being connected to myself, understanding what being attached to another means, being connected to the suffering of other life, the reality of our existence, and so on.
Then, having that, what could I do about it? While I am still searching for many answers, I assembled Connect All, which has one stated goal: to address all that can be addressed in existence for the most safety and hopeful possibilities. It is necessary and doable. And, what is the other option?
The attached guide gives details of the approach.
And, to share a bit of the specifics of why I live as much as I can according to Connect All –
Here are my motives:
- I need the most safety and hopeful possibilities for myself, and for who I am attached to.
- I both want to positively and don’t want to negatively, tell the children and innocents of existence, “Here is what I was doing this moment when you needed me.”
And I know every moment:
- Could be my last and I need to have done all I can. e.g. car wreck, heart attack, act of violence
- The cost of all that we should be addressing e.g. all the avoidable child abuse and suffering
- What all could possibly happen that we aren't prepared for e.g. from the seemingly mundane accident that costs us the person who had the answer, and we could have saved if we were prepared, to global violence
- How our lives are connected. What we and others are doing or not doing right now affects our and other life’s safety and possibilities. So, I need to make sure to whatever extent possible, others have what they need.
- How what I'm doing or not doing impacts
So, I don’t want to do “something”, I want to be doing the best thing possible. Which is why Connect All has the Five through the Filter self-care framework, to help us make the best decisions we can with each moment and address all that we can.
Take care,
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